I wanted to create a thread about one of the artists that I just love. The woman is a living legend! I love the fact that as each decade of her career has progressed we've seen her grow so much as a person...from immaturity and an almost crazed desire to succeed, rebelling for the sake of rebelling and being controversial for the sake of being controversial, to becoming a responsible mother, discovering her spirituality and deciding to use her position and wealth to make a positive difference in the world.

I don't know why, but I felt compelled to share her controversial performance of Live to Tell from her 2005 Confessions tour (which is absolutely fantastic from start to finish, I can't recommend it highly enough). It annoys me how virulently the church opposed this, without having a clue what the song was, what the theme was and the message she was conveying. It's a powerful and moving performance about how we, mankind, have crucified each other. We are equally all divine and have the power and ability to reach out and help those most in need. I love the fact that she has put her money where her mouth is when it comes to helping Malawi....and how. Keep watching to the end.

Live to Tell (Confessions Tour)