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The way home

away with the fairies

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... i was lost .. lost from the MW ..away with the energetic fairies ..swirled into the cyber world ..entranced in its web of distractions ..being drawn further and further away ..this also ventured into my waking day ..all part of the healing process of course yet i was sure days had been passing and i wasnt conciously aware of them in a real sense ..although i knew i was going to work, coming home, eating ,interacting ..going to healing all the regular 2 dimensional stuff but on a subconcious so weird feeling major movement energetically ..the actual alignment of many galaxies is in movement causing my head to constantly spin hyperactivity especially last week was in major override boss even pulled me aside to ask if i was really ok ..
then found to be sitting staring in them stares you cant snap out of ..even now as i write this ive stopped many times..
i had an idea ! how about an MW collaboration ..draw up a MW sticker i need one or a badge or something to bring focus when im lost . we are all going to be drawn away because this site is a beacon and beautiful light to us .. im glad to have returned and i endevour to always stay xxx

Updated May 3rd, 2010 at 01:01 PM by Rana



  1. Narnia's Avatar
    MW is like gravity for me ... it's magnetic pull always naturally reels me in!! It is my sanctuary where I happily reside with the bigthest stars I know of ... you being one of them!

    Oh! Love the idea of a MW sticker or better yet a samll tattoo of MW ambigram ... now that would be sweet!!
  2. Kiran's Avatar
    You have been on a crossroads honey and at a point to make a conscious decision...that decision still has to be made but you heard my voice...I shall keep on calling to you across the divide and will be here as you need. Be careful honey that the choice you make is your own....sending you much love and holding you in my heart.
  3. BlueStar's Avatar
    All part of the healing journey. I think you get to a point after you clear certain blocks, where you feel stripped down, raw, wide open and a little vulnerable. You've reached a truer, more core part of what you are, the old layers have been peeled away. Grounding is important, time in nature, for balance. even just sitting next to a houseplant or watching the sky. take walks alone and just breathe! nature has been such a healing influence for me, and it helps me snap out of the gravity of mind and become present.

    Love the idea of a sticker or something. What I have is a mala bracelet I sometimes wear when I want to be mindful, and I try to train myself so that each time I become aware of it, I become present - or even just take a deep, centering breath. You might use a ring, or a bracelet or something that you train yourself to use as a touchstone, a reminder to BE. If you don't have something like that already, I think you should go and treat yourself to one.

    Much Love
  4. Rana's Avatar guys are so very special this heart and much needed and appreciated on my path more than can be trully known.i love u all ..Tattoo polly ..yeah serious about considering a small one somewhere ..that wud be cool .. lorri i feel you always ..close ..yes i am coming into a very great place again one of trust and knowing of my inner strength and ability.thankyou.rory ..yeah ..i do need something like that remind me ..maybe i will get to the bead shop this weekend and get a bracelet with woven thread and two beads that says MW remind me ..or maybe a suncatcher nearby ....ill get there x