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Fresh Start!

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by , January 2nd, 2010 at 12:37 PM (918 Views)
I always have been one of those people who love January and I love Mondays! I always saw them as a fresh start...if it has been a bad week or something, its a new beginning, a chance to start over. I see january the same way. If you have had a particularly trying time, its a new start, new year!
Hmm...this year in particular is going to bring the winds of change for all of us.
Its a case of hang on to your knickers....or your hat...whichever you prefer....and enjoy the ride!


  1. Narnia's Avatar
    I 100% agree with you Lorri!! Me too, I have always loved January and Mondays because of the 'fresh start' feeling!! Not only is it a new year ... but the start of a new decade!! Yeah - baby!!
