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The way home

the thing about healing

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by , March 5th, 2010 at 09:42 AM (333 Views)
.. wow i felt last thursday was the right time to have yet another session with my trusted healing friend steven ..the 1st of many through the next stage of change for me.. it revealed yet another layer within me that i hadnt chartered and was aware of but thought i had indeed dealt with ..boy was i wrong. at the time it was very overwhelming because life experiences in the raw are just that ..and have been preciously guarded and filed for natural reasons at the time be they coping mechanism or subconcious reaction. the aftermath this week was to have a pretty bad virus followed by a secondary ear and chest infection topped off with Agravated Asthma. but on reflection it is the perfect example of the natural laws of the universe in action. my physical reaction to the energetic healing that took place a week ago.. the emotional side came this week in a flush and slow of manifestations ..some anger tears stubburn reactions withdrawl ..anger again ..silence ..withdrawl again ..tears and numbness ..insomnia and fatigue ..a mental journey thru my time my inner television playing on all levels on every wave length ..guidance on the same levels continues and will so for some time this time biggest yet.some i will share yet some as part of my process will remain here in my thoughts or released never to return . somehow i feel strength i have been conditioned for this moment in my time ..happily but reluctant i push forward. . .


  1. Kiran's Avatar
    HUGS and much love to you honey...I am with you