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The way home

the secret beach

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by , February 12th, 2010 at 09:56 AM (280 Views)
i had one of them weeks of observation for lack of a better word ..i have been trully blessed he is awakening in every sense is beautiful a dream i have always wanted in this lifetime i knew would manifest but of course never knew when be it. today when we found what we are calling our secret beach ..a lil way from our home we talked about much with his journey inward ..he expressed his concern that i appeared "closed " .. it was cool finally turning the light upon him and answering his question in MY way alleiviates so much within me ..i can answer honestly when speaking about how was my day ? hes always known spirit is my everything ..but now knows why .. he came to understabd that we are also on our unique journey's and that because one is ready for a realisation doesnt mean the other is ..i feel he really got that today and it has unclosed me so to speak ..but ill let his light shine int he way the universe intends it ..i feel very lucky xxx


  1. Kiran's Avatar
    I am so happy for you Rana!! I secretly hope that mine may end up the same way but all is as it should matter what way things turn out!!
    Much love to you both xxx