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by , January 18th, 2011 at 09:47 PM (1340 Views)
What is communication? One definition is : Communication is a process whereby meaning is defined and shared between living organisms.
Communication should always be done with respect...not for your own views but for those of others. You already understand why you feel a particular way or have a particular belief.
As a unique being, no-one else thinks like you or acts like you...therefore communicating an idea, a belief, a concept is very difficult.
If this is not done with consideration for the other person, then your idea or whatever will not achieve what you hoped.
If this is not done with respect that the person you are trying to communicate with is not you, does not see what you see, then you may as well not share it with them.
If you do try to share your ideas/opinions about something and this is done without consideration for your audience, then this can be tantamount to bullying or coercion. You are trying to insist your ideas/beliefs are right and the only ones that matter.

When communicating online, with no vocal tones or facial expressions to help get your viewpoints across, try to remember, it can be like trying to explain the colour green to an alien entity who has no concept of colour!
Assume that the person does not understand or know about your concept in the first instance, if they do, they will surely let you know.

Remember, treat people as you expect to be treated....with love and respect always...otherwise there is an old saying...what goes around comes around!

With love and respect to one and all.


  1. Rana's Avatar
    hi lorri. yes communication is a key ingredient in the coming together of our species.and unconditional communication .. being the sitter and the listener.being in tune with the person they are really listening and connecting to. many people like to argue and be in control and seem to always focus on being right and being heard close their ears to the person they are supposed to be listening to.causing a rift ( i strongly feel for these people because i know many or these personalities and they still communicate like when they were a child and no one validated them, no one listened to them sotheir voices got louder and their material more intense and in their hearts grew anger the more they werent validated , when only they need to become quiet and listen to their audience engage in it and get a feel for what their friends and collegues are saying directly or indirectly, my ex brother in law was exactly this way and i still love him dearly he has the heart and soul of a wonderful being, except he grew up with 4 older sisters (he was born when his mum was 50) his sisters grew up first in germany then in Argentina during their terrible history smart brilliant women sharp in politics.he got louder and more angrier he hadnt experienced their lives, them.he was the cute little brother wanting always to be validated.. i always admire the person who admits that they are wrong that they knew they went out of control and on a rant .this world is reflective of that everywhere you look .in our schools at our work places. people are just hung up on themselves and what they themself believe and dont realise how their rants can really hurt and disrupt so much , when all people are trying to do is come together and find peace. instead they play games. it is a mirror of where our world is AT this time in our learning.however hope is never lost. we can heal. we havent lost touch.or the ability to heal. communication is the key. listening. being in tune.
  2. Kiran's Avatar
    Thanks for your response Rana. Yes I have to agree with much of what you have said honey. People feeling they are not being heard needing to make more noise. The other side of that coin is also our little friend EGO. People feeling that they are always right and that their opinion is the only one that counts.....
  3. Narnia's Avatar
    Thank you Lorri for this wonderful entry!! It speaks volumes, indeed!!
  4. Jester Black's Avatar
    You know when I first showed up at the EMB way back in 03, I did so with the intent of studying how internet communities operate and how they differ from physical world communities, particularly in the way they communicate.

    In doing so, I learned something crucial about myself and communication in general. I do not communicate entirely with words, but also with my visual senses and body language. I grew up in an environment where that was vital if you expected to survive. Intent had to be read at the micro level and adjusted for in any communication. As a professional, Im involved in a lot of negotiations and the same skill set applies there. I read people...not words.

    This is generally not possible on the net, which creates a bit of an issue for someone like me, putting my subconscious mind on the defensive. Its something that Ive been working on. But given my natural inclinations, its not all that easy.

    "If you do try to share your ideas/opinions about something and this is done without consideration for your audience, then this can be tantamount to bullying or coercion. You are trying to insist your ideas/beliefs are right and the only ones that matter."

    Couldnt agree with you more and as you know, Ive harped on this in the past as things have been said here and at the EMB that are detrimental to my personal values and associations, knowing that I would read it and most likely react.

    However, i know that we are all, to some extent, guilty of this. I know I am.
  5. Kiran's Avatar
    Well Jay...we all have our lessons to learn and I think reminders like this are never any harm. I know I have had my share of them to learn and its being willing to change if we need to and take them in, this is the key Sending you much love and best intentions always.
  6. Rana's Avatar
    i can relate here to what jay is saying about electronic communication i am also a very verbal ,sensory and body language interactive (phew) person . a few years back a close friend and i had a major blow out over some text messages on the mobile phone. sure a few (lol) and (smile harrh harrh's ) chucked in. but the real message got majorly misconstrued. so much so that we dont speak even today. ? for this reason i try to be more concious of how i may come accross and yes this my friends is why many of my posts are long and drawn out some with smiley faces and what ill call bracketed "expressions" and i always post " for me ". so people may understand it is MY opinion. because i learnt the hard way. but life is that way and we are all learning all the time. xx
  7. Mr B's Avatar

    Thanks for this blogpost. This, together with the comments from our beloved friends here, made me realize that i need to open my eyes a bit further and look at everything from another perspective. I've become too "closed" over the years and need to open up again, to see it different and not only my way which i do more often lately so i've noticed.

    I will need to work on that to become more open again towards people and also open for any kind of communication. I too learned something from the past days and will keep an eye on myself not to open my mouth too soon to let my thoughts out just like that.

    I'm too harsh sometimes in my reactions and you know what.... I found out that this isn't me. That's what need to change, the way i think, react and communicate sometimes.
  8. Kiran's Avatar
    I truly want to thank you all for your comments here. As a family there will be times we get a little irritated and annoyed or hurt and upset by happens in all families from time to time. But as a family, we should always be able to express openly our views but it should always be done with love and respect as mentioned above.
    We all also get caught up in the day to day rubbish of life and this too can impact on our communication skills.
    I am truly humbled by your honesty and this is why I call you all family and love you very much....I sit here with tears in my eyes and huge smiles in my heart.
  9. Kiran's Avatar
    Just a side is interesting to know that only 20% of our communication is verbal. The other 80% is made up as Jay said, of body language, facial expressions and vocal tone. When we put it into this context, we can see how mis-communication can occur.
    Once again, thank you all for your honesty and comments.
  10. Rana's Avatar
    dear MR. B
    hi. this post has really touched me and is reflective of a place i have been so many times in my life it must be our lesson in this life huh. i still do this so many times but when i realise i almost hit myself with "oh man you did it again ! rana LEARN " and i go into the whole shame thingy .. but i definately know its an in grained pattern a deep one .. its all reflection and growth i think ..thankyou really for this post it reasures my own learning to know im not the only one who does this ..arrrhhhhh .. hee hee ..