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Validation basket

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by , January 13th, 2011 at 10:56 PM (2214 Views)
my recent corner of learning is about validation. self . i have come to understand that i seek validation in many forms from those who surround me.some conciously some un conciously . by un concious this can mean automatic response which could be sadness,poor me,anger,even happiness is triggered which in turn sets of a whole emotional response. my pattern.all in the want for validation basket.
my task is to bring attention to this pattern, notice it. allow only self validation to remain in the place of someone or something external to me.
Matt was feeling flat the other day and i wasnt feeling very confident say my pattern was seeking validation from matt to let me know everything will be alright ,because he was flat he didnt notice this and my response was self pity, annoyance,some internal anger then tired. so i was looking for validation out side of myself to make me happy.

what would be a goal to strive for ?

when im feeling a particular way seek ways of resolution myself . write down my feelings. research ways of helping myself feel better. in this instance why is it i dont feel confident ? it could be that i have put on weight, feel tired and un fit. well my resolve would be to eat better , and exercise more, do something i enjoy that builds my confidence.


  1. Kiran's Avatar
    Totally agree honey although sometimes we are thankful for dear friends who can speak their truth as it needs to be heard.
    Much love
  2. Rana's Avatar
    i agree here also. it is all relevant isnt it .. xx