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by , October 27th, 2010 at 09:58 AM (3226 Views)
[mass noun]
1 a strong feeling of affection:
2 a great interest and pleasure in something:
3 [count noun] a person or thing that one loves:
4 (in tennis, squash, and some other sports) a score of zero; nil:
love fifteen

1 Feel deep affection or sexual love for someone
2 Like or enjoy very much

This is the Oxford Dictionary definition of love.....words...lots of words. And yet, if YOU were asked to describe what love is...what would be YOUR definition?
I feel that love is the key to everything....not rose coloured, romantic love but REAL love....unfettered by ego, uncontaminated by the human condition...Unconditional, Universal Love.
So many spend thier lives searching for 'the one'. We have more than just one...we have many in fact that the stars could compare the number!
Love is a word...true. But Love is an action, a feeling, s way of life. Love in the truest purest form, unconditional, is the very air we breath and the very essence of life.
How many times a day do you do something just because you know it the right thing to do? How many times do you speak or act from ego...but saying you are coming from love?
We all need to turn this around...combat ego. The only way to do that is to live, act, be...Love.
I am blessed with the ladies I am teaching right now...I may be teaching them skills but they have taught me so much more about Love. Once we strip away ego, strip away everything we think we 'know' and start becoming, this is truly when we feel love.
I always thought I was a loving person...but in saying this am I not also being egotistical? Yes I think I am. It is in doing without saying, this is being Love. It is caring without analysing...this is being Love. It is an instinctive reaction to someone else's needs...this is being Love.

I love you beyond words.


  1. Stargazer's Avatar
    that's a nice one
  2. Kiran's Avatar
    Thank you Naveen...much appreciated dearest