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by , October 9th, 2010 at 11:17 PM (1060 Views)
I am in the process of looking through my book again and as I read trhough it (its been a while since I did) I realised how angry I was when I wrote the first draft to what I have now. I started writing it as a way of dealing with stuff coming up for me while I was going to a Counsellor. So it was only logical that it would be full of hurt, anger and crap! Yep a lot of crap was coming up at the time and yet, as the counselling sessions went on, the book begun to take on a life of its own.
Rory's thread about Happiness made me take another look at it.

One thing has become clear to far removed I am from that hurt, frightened little rabbit that started writing it. I now feel a need to re-write parts of it as I have changed.
I guess this book has become a journal...just as these blogs do in a manner. Showing me who I am...who I have been and where I am going.
It is a pointer to changes I need to make and already have made.

If you are ever experiencing any difficulties, I would suggest doing a journal, blog or whatever works for you. Not only does it help transform our negative issues but gives us an indication of where we are to go.


  1. 's Avatar
    A new chapter every so often is a good thing I think we sometimes forget how far we have come, Our minds and our memories can sometimes play tricks on us, tell us we are stuck in the same situation and mindset we have always been, But we are not, we are constantly evolving. Its good sometimes to look at our past and realise how far we really have come. A journal or a dairy is a wonderful idea of keeping track on ourselves on our journey through life.

    One thing is for sure, You are on the right track
  2. Kiran's Avatar
    Thanks Sean for your comments.
  3. BlueStar's Avatar
    It's wonderful when you can look back at something you've written when you were filled with pain and now simply feel a peace at what once caused so much anguish. I have written a journal for many years and I continue to do so. i first learned of it when doing Julia Cameron's Artists Way course, she calls it 'morning pages', 3 pages of stream of thought writing. It has a very clearing, balancing effect. You get stuff out of your head and onto paper, where it never looks so bad! and very often you are able to tap into that deeper aspect of wisdom, it's amazing how it can spill onto the page. I agree so strongly, writing a journal is immensely therapeutic and healing and also enables us to move out of surface-level mind and tap into deeper creativity and wisdom.

    About 10 years ago I went through a very tough time. My journal was sometimes just entire pages filled with swear words lol. I found it therapeutic and cleansing burning and releasing it all. The things that caused so much grief before now have no emotional charge whatsoever. It also makes me realise that no matter how immensely tough things seem, we always survive and move on and get over it.

    Thanks for sharing Lorri, I hope that oneday I'll be able to read the need edition of your book of life
  4. God's Toy's Avatar
    ...just to note you posted our 100th Blog!

    Well done!
  5. Kiran's Avatar
    Oh? Erm...thank you
  6. God's Toy's Avatar
    lol well to you it's nothing I suppose but to me, well getting members to at least use the darm blogs, makes some of the moneys worth while ... Well lets just say getting this far was not looking good ...
    so um yea, well done!